Welcome to my blog...

Prepare yourself for the roller coaster ride of emotions... Be forewarned, this site is my vent site... I cannot be held responsible for what may be said on this blog. Often it's just little tidbits of useless information, but occassionally a wobbler post slips in and all my feelings are revealed. Sometimes they are sweet, sad or cheerful.... but oh when they aren't... well just let me go ahead and apologize now. lol What did you expect?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

It's been almost a month since my last entry. Some great things have happened then, as well as some not so great things. I guess that's just part of life. I have learned more about my friends and their dedication or lack there of as well some that I didn't think were friends, have managed to get pretty close. Life is about gains and losses... and that totally sums up mine right now. I have received closure on some things and some things I'm sure I will never understand, so I do not dare to tread that ground. It seems lately anything that I can possibly manage to screw up, I do. Obviously, I have this thing where things cannot be great and just enjoy it, because then I always get too paranoid and just expect it to go down hill. If it doesn't head that direction on it's own, I must immediately force it that way.... I could go on and on, but fortunately I have better things to do.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

October 9, 2007- Dunno why this didn't post the first time.

I have gotten so much accomplished today. Lacy is still giving me a run for my money and making rethink the whole kid thing, but she is fun and just keeps me smiling. I love her to death. Mama and I were talking about how pretty she was and how much she has grown. She is so smart and social. It's too funny. I don't really have much other to say, still missing Zac, but he is doing a great job of staying in touch. Lacy has her own blog now. If you want the address, let me know. Lots of pictures are posted... Anyway, I guess I need to get some laundry done. Ciao!


Last night we went to Opelika and LaGrange to pick up the girls. Mom, Zoe and I spent the afternoon in LaGrange. We stopped in Valley for some Arby's and priester's samples from the boot outlet. It was yummy. I scared mama with a trick mouse in a box and Zoe with a man in an outhouse. We laughed and laughed. Once we finally pick up Brook and Bree, we headed home after wishing Brad a happy birthday. This morning, we completed our klan with Courtney. We played with Lacy, went to the park, went to my grandmother's old home place and a few more... adventures. The girls love to take adventures, which generally consists of me just telling them, "Let's go." Then us just driving and them finding out once we get there. They were so funny at Nanny's. They couldn't believe that things existed back then. Actually, it was stuff from the last residents, but they thought it was from waaaaayyyy back in the day. We spend a good bit of the afternoon at my house. The plan was to pick up pecans, but I don't think that was very successful. Daddy and the boys came over so everyone played and talked and it was LOUD!!!! Mama said she should have had that many kids and I said that I would have ran away a long time ago. Anyway, it was just very nice to be out and about. There were really no fusses and no arguing. A few little spats at times, but it all worked out. They have all fallen asleep now, but before they did they said, "Can we do it again tomorrow?" That just makes me smile because soon they will not want to spend their Saturday night with their grandmother and their aunt. They have been making plans for my baby and even choosing my last name as well as my children's names. They are just too funny about it all. We concluded that when I do have children, they will be spoiled because my girls will be old enough to do the spoiling.... of course they say that now, when the time comes, we will see if they actually have time to babysit. Anyway, I am going to try and relax a bit now, just wanted to share about our great day. I was going to write a lot more, but I am just tired and it all seems so blah... lol

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tuesday- Only 17 more days....

It's only 17 days until my birthday. Hooray!!! I love holidays... of any kind, but especially birthdays. I think out of all the months that I could have been born, I am glad that I was born in October. It's one of my favorites! Anyway, it's a stormy rainy day today and it's just a good day to do nothing. So, I worked, rain some errands and came home and baked a cake for my mom. She is doing a great job on not smoking, so anything she wants... I try to give her. Anyway, I think I am getting sick. I just feel kind of yucky and stuffy. I have service league tonight and garden club meeting tomorrow. I do not know if I will feel up to going. I also want to do my daily walk today, but the weather kind of has put a damper on that... literally. ;) I'm off tomorrow and Friday instead of my usual Thursday and Friday, so I plan on just realxing and doing laundry. I don't really have much new thing to report. I have listed some stuff on ebay... I love that place. It's very addicting. Aside from that, things are pretty calm on the home front. Still able to hear from Zac daily and of course that just helps get my day started off right. Sometimes we don't have much to say, then other times, we are just as talkative as ever. At any rate, I still enjoy just holding the phone listening to him breath. Sometimes I wish I could just pick up the phone and call him instead of waiting for him to call me. I guess that's what they make email for, but I need instant gratification... The phone keeps ringing off the hook, but it's really no one I care to talk to, so I guess I should probably answer so they will stop calling. I don't recognize the number, so that's why I haven't answered. Anyway, gonna go enjoy the storm.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Life is good...

Well, it's a nice fall morning. I awoke early this morning to tend to Lacy, it was so crisp and cool outside. It made me remember one of the many reasons why fall is my favorite season. Here I sit enjoying my first cup of cocoa of the season and just reflecting on how good my life really is. Sure there are bad days, but that's part of life. I had a pretty awesome week. I've had a wonderful time hanging with my mom, great talks with Zac daily, gotten in some exercise every.single.day... which is a big deal for me and have seen all of my friends this week. I've talked to all of my family and all is well with them. You know so many times we take things for granted, when life's greatest pleasures are all in the little things. Take my cup of cocoa for instance, it's a silly thing perhaps, but I love fall and I love the chill in the air and so the cocoa just put the icing on the cake. I can already tell today is going to be a great day... and if by some chance it ends up being not so great... then that will be fine too. We can try again tomorrow. Enjoy your Saturday!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Life is just happening right now. I have said before that life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. Well that is exactly how I feel right now. It's funny you spend all this time planning things and it doesn't matter what you plan, chances are it's not going to work out like you had hoped, imagined, planned, etc... I had planned to have a decent job by now... well that hasn't happened. I had planned for Zac to still be in the US... that didn't happen either. I had planned on many things, yet none of them went as planned... so in other words... life happened. It has been over a month since I last blogged on blogger. Zac left for Afghanistan Saturday. He has made it there safely, but still has one more flight to catch before he gets to his actual destination. I was able to talk to him briefly this morning, then my messenger messed up and I could not see the messages. I have os much to say and so many emotions to convey, I do not even know where to begin. I am happy because I am totally happy for the first time in many parts of my life, yet at the same time other parts of my life are lacking that feeling. I have hurt my mom so much and that hurts me. I love her more than she could ever know and I know that no matter how much I try to show her or try to convey the depth of my love to her, she will never know. I feel like such a failure. I just don't know what else to do. The job outlook is still shady, the money is still non-existent and to top it all off... I feel like my mom hates me. Ok so she doesn't hate me, but she doesn't like me very much right now. I can't really say that I blame her. I want to do things right and not screw my life up again, but it seems like every time things start looking a little brighter a huge storm comes my way. I just feel like I am the world's biggest screw up most days lately. This is not the path I chose for my life- well I guess it is indirectly, but not exactly what I had envisioned or imagined. Hopefully all of that will change soon and I will have my act together.

On a more positive note- Zac and I are great. I miss him so much and he hasn't even been gone 48 hours yet. I am so thankful that he took some time off work before leaving. We were able to spend a good bit of time together and just really enjoy each other’s company, which had always been on a schedule before. It’s amazing how truly blessed I have been in the short 5 months of being with Zachry. God has just shown His love time and time again. Zac and I are so much alike it is unreal at times. It' also amazingly cool. This last week, we went on a 150 mile bike ride through the Georgia mountains. That was really fun. Then we went to the fair on Thursday and pigged out on everything. I got sick on one of the rides- which has never happened before, but it just made some memories. After we left the fair, we had just gotten in the truck and reached in the abck seat and handed me a box. It had a beautiful bracelet in there. It was originally supposed to be my birthday present, but he decided to go ahead and give it to me as a combo anniversary/birthday gift. He figured that I would have rather have it directly from him, than given to me after he was gone. However, that was a very nice thought that he was thinking that far ahead in his planning. Anyway, Friday we had dinner with the family and then we went for ice cream. Saturday was the day he left, so not much happened that day. We brught Lacy down to Roanoke, then headed back to Dallas for him to finish packing. Anyway, I was able to talk to him briefly on messenger this morning and maybe I will get to talk more later. I guess I need to get busy cleaning now, but I will try and blog more regularly. Remember to pray for Zac's safety and for my situation with the house, car and job search. Much love to you all!

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's been almost a month since the last blog...

things have been crazy. Let's see, what is the latest news that you guys need to be caught up on... the divorce is a no go right now. So much for Robert taking care of it, of course I should have known that I couldn't depend on him. I have been staying in Georgia lately because I am sitting with someone at the hospital. I am still looking for a steady job, but for now this is cool. Zac is going to Afghanistan for a year and a half... He will be leaving on the 23rd. He will be home for 2 weeks every 4 months. It will be hard, but it will definitely be a true test... of our devotion and love. Of course I am sad, but at the same time I'm excited for him. It will be good for me too. I need to concentrate on me for once in my life and that's what I intend to do. Whether or not it will work, I have no clue, but we shall see. I have a tendancy to get sidetracked to say the least, but also if I'm really into something, I go crazy with it and that is my goal with this. I want to get myself re-established and finish all of my degrees... lol That in itself is a job. My mom is awesome- I just have to brag for a minute. She is trying to quit smoking and is doing tremedously well. I am so proud of her. I was home some this week and I did not see her smoke even the first cigarette. That was a huge deal! I can't wait to spend some time with her this weekend. I am going home this afternoon and have been so excited about it. I do wish I could see Zac before I went and I could, but I need to see my mom. I was kind of a not so nice person this morning towards Zac and I am feeling totally terrible for it. I sometimes say things because I am upset and then I so wish I could take them back later. I have just felt terrible all day because of it. We had a great night last night and then I have to ruin it by being a b with an itch this morning. I don't like starting the day off negatively, especially when I don't get to see that person or make things right. Anyway, I guess that is really the just of things now. Oh I almost forgot, Zac was my knight in shining armour last week. My truck had been acting crazy, I thought the transmission was going bad on it. Turns out it was just the spark plugs and wires and Zac fixed it for me. Even though he isn't into fixing cars, he did it for me. I joked with him and told him that I would never doubt his love for me. He truely is an amazing person. I am so blessed.

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's hard to say...

How does one express what she feels when she doesn't even know? I have been so discouraged lately on so many different levels. Life is just happening and there is nothing I can do about it. I know this, but yet it doesn't help my feelings one bit. I have been on the job hunt for months now... and no luck. I have started pulling away from my family and friends, just so I can pour myself into the job hunt. I realize that you can only search so many hours in a day, but even the hours that I'm not hunting it seems I am working on a resume or staring blankly at my email waiting for a word to come about a job. I have had a summer to do whatever with pretty much and I have let it go to waste. Ben asked me the other day if I had enjoyed the summer and really I haven't. To begin with I did play a bit, but now I feel like I don't desrve to play and that I don't have a right to enjoy my free time. My mom said to enjoy it while I have it, but I feel so guilty even thinking such. I am forcing ymself to limit my recreational activities to the weekends... and even then I am usually sitting at home with my mother. I just feel so lame. I am finally happy with who I am as a person, loving my life... with the exception of no job and yet I am not allowing myself to enjoy it. I seriously need help. So last night, I read Ryan's blog. It really hit home and was just what I needed. You see it seems like I keep hitting road blocks no matter which way I turn, and he made me see that all of those blocks, mountains, valleys, twists and turns in the road are just preparing me for what God has in store. It also reminded me that I had not really stopped to ask for directions in a long time. So last night, I had a come to Jesus talk with myself... lol Obviously it worked... because after that, I had a Jesus come to me talk with the Lord... and guess what? He did just that! I poured out my heart and soul and basically said I didn't have a clue what I was doing or where I was going, but I did know that I wanted it to be His will, no matter what I did. I want to live for Him, not for She'Na. Being out of God's will is not something I want to endure, nor do I intend to even venture close to that valley. I am not prepared to handle the wrath. So, I got the best sleep last night I had gotten in a very very very long time. I think I slept a full 8 hours without interruption, which says a great deal. I didn't even have the assistance of a sleeping pill of any kind. I had thought about it though. This morning when I woke up, I felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the world... well at least a new day. I did just that. The day went by faster than any other day has in a long time and even though I did the same thing I have been doing, I actually felt like I was getting somewhere. Time will tell, but I'm prepared to wait it out... even if it means I will continue to be broke. It will all be worth it int he end, because GOd has something bigger and better than I could have ever imagined in mind for me and to me that makes it totally worth the effort!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Another sleepless night...

So I usually blog at night... used to it was because I couldn't sleep for one reason or another, sometimes the snoring usually added to it, but tonight it's for other reasons. I just have a lot on my mind... I haven't taken a lot of time lately to reflect on positive things. Lately it seems the only reflections have been negative ones and those were more regrets than reflections. Today was the day that I started getting ready to move back into the house. It's a happy time, but kind of sad too. The house was a disaster and I got a lot of it cleaned up and that really helped my feelings a whole bunch. I was so hurt that a home that we worked so hard to build, was just trashed because of a few bitter feelings. I'm the one who has a right to be bitter about things, and yet I remain civil. So De and I clean our hearts out today and after a few hours are totally exhausted. I tell you, I owe that girl, big time! She has helped me out just when I needed it the most... our friendship isn't prefect, but we have been through some crap and still managed to make it... that what makes it so awesome. Anyway, we decided to call it a day, I was bitter because I had to clean up a horrible mess that I did not make and then I noticed my new towels gone that I had been saving for the bathroom renovation and the worst part... a hole in the wall!!!!!!!! Supposedly Robert fell into the wall, but whatever. I can't believe a word that is said lately especially since he refuses to respond to my messages, but does manage to take the time to do so to my brother's and mother's. So I was feeling good about the progress today, but I was so tired. My head has started hurting which I could tell was a migraine in the making. I had a meeting this afternoon and just was not in the mood. I was thirsty, hot and sweaty to say the least. I wanted something cold... and icey. I decided on a shaved ice, then I saw the icey lady. It was one of my favorite things as a kid... I remember standing in the driveway waiting for the icey lady to come by. As soon as I would hear the music, I would search frantically for money and head out the door. Those were the days... life was simple and innocent. Now, I have had an icy a few times since childhood, but I always get a different flavor than I did as a child. I had my usual, every day I would order a cherry coconut icey with a bag of cotton candy. I even had a charge account... and when mom would allow, I would treat the whole neighborhood to iceys. So today, I thought I need to relive some good memories, so I decided on the icey instead of the shaved ice, besides it is easier to drink and I was THIRSTY! I decided that I would order my old favorite- cherry coconut and that's just what I did. I was so excited, as soon as I took my first sip a huge smile came on my face and I was taken instantly back in time. It was a familiar time, it was a fun time, my parents were still married to each other, my family still lived at home, my friends were over constantly, my house was huge and beautiful... I had it all. The flavor was so soothing, it was surreal. It was exactly what I needed to help my mood. It had been a day where I just needed a hug. I got a little emotional at times, because of smells or a movement that prompted certain memories, but the icey made all that better. It was the best hug in a cup I have had in a long time.

So when I got home I drank my icey, rested a bit in the cool dark living room until time for the meeting. When I came home from the meeting, I washed some pillows, folded some clothes, took care of some business and then showered and went to bed. My head was hurting soooo bad. I was in bed before 8:30. That is so NOT like me. I read my Bible, Zac called, I talked to him a bit then tried to go to sleep. No such luck. The headache only grew. I decided to take some migraine meds and attempt again, I played around on myspace a bit letting the meds start doing their thing. Success! The pain eased immensely, but then, I was wide awake. I decided to channel surf, nothing interesting enough, so then I decided to watch home movies. It was exactly what I needed. I have laughed, cried, giggled and sobbed at the things captured on film. I have seen my girls grow from babies to big girls, saw my late aunt who was like my second mom, watched my mom and dad grow older, seen the houses change and the people too, relived the last 9 years of my life with Robert, which was a good thing. Our 7th wedding anniversary is Sunday and I have been wondering how I will do. I also wonder how moving back into "our" home will work. The last night I spent there was with him... so it will be different, but I'm ready. As I said earlier, I have had a lot of bitter feelings lately. Most of them toward Robert. I have been too busy focusing on the negative things, the person I didn't know, the I can't believe I did that's and other regrets... Yesterday, my mom reminded me that I did have to remember that Robert was good to me and that he was a good person. I had forgotten all of that. I had let years of hurt, decption, anger and resentment erase my warm fuzzy feelings that I once had for the man I once cherished. When I saw those videos, it was amazing that all those happy feelings came back, not the I want him back feelings, but the yeah he was a great guy kind of feelings. I am glad of that, I didn't like having ugly thoughts, especially about the one I fell in love with and married. I even had myself questioning myself for marrying him. I was reminded after watching those movies. Unfortunately,he isn't that person anymore, but it's good that I have the good moments captured on tape. He was good to me and he did love me. I was so blessed to be loved so strongly. Unfortunately he loved other things more. He was a great uncle to my girls and that meant so much. He was always right there with my crazy ideas and went right along with the plans the girls and I made, never once complaining. I don't know when things started to go sour, and it doesn't really matter, because once done is done. I do know that I did have several happy years with him and I am forever thankful for those. I am thankful even for the divorce, because people change... just as he has changed, so have I. Lately, I have thought that maybe I shouldn't have married him, maybe it was a mistake, maybe I was too young and didn't really love him, maybe he didn't love me... but tonight, I realized that I was in it for the right reasons and that he did love me, and that's a good thing. I also realized that I am now getting out of it for the right reasons too. That's an even better thing. So, now I have cried tears of sadness, pain, happiness and joy. I am now more ready than ever to get on with my new life and can't wait for all the happy times yet to come! Of course I am sad, because I am getting a divorce and you never think that you will, so that is sad, but at the same time I am happy because I am getting a divorce because the feelings that once were there are no more and it's not fair for either of us to stay where we aren't wanted. I think the seperation was long overdue. If you've stuck with me this long, thanks for listening to my ramblings. I know they probably make no sense, but I just kind of had to "put it on paper" so that I could finally get some rest. My head is better, my heart is better, my life is better, my love is better and I am now going to bed. Good night!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Today is Friday- add a little sunshine

I love Fridays. I don't know why, but for as long as I can remember I have loved them. Even in school I always had a special outfit picked out for Friday. It might be silly, but it got me through the rest of the week and I felt like a princess in my special Friday attire. So today is indeed Friday and I have on a cute outfit today too. lol Imagine that. However, in all honesty, I did not realize it was so darn cute until I put it on and saw how perfect it was. So anyway...

Today has not been a fun day generally speaking. I got a phone message early this morning and I should have known te day would go down hill from that point. I know it will get better though. It's just all this divorce stuff is really taking a toll on me. You know you just think you know someone and it's like, "Who the heck is that person?" I am really seeing a side of people that I never knew existed and I must say it isn't pretty. Of course that works in retrospect too, I have seen a softer side of people in my life that I never knew was there, or amybe I did, but I just never noticed it or had experienced it first hand. There are people in your life who you think will be there through thick and thin no matter what and then, when the time comes, they aren't. Then there are those who you think would never stand by you or jump in to lend a hand and yet they are there every step of the way. It's those people that I am so awesomely blessed to have with me on my journey of life.

You know, right now it would be so easy to turn away from everyone and everything I knew before and just go to a safe place away from the world.... and by this I do NOT mean Jenn's bed, like in the old days. I mean some where really far, like just fall off the face of the planet. I so want to do that on days every now and then, but then I am reminded of all the great people in my life and all the wonderful little things that I would miss about those guys. So, I decide to wait it out because good things come to those who wait. The only things that keep me going though are God and my support team of family and friends. They are all my rock and I have no clue where or who I would be without them. I pray that I never find out that answer either. Today as I was reading my Bible, some things jumped out at me that never had before. It was like answers to questions that I had, but at the same time I didn't know that I had those questions either. The weirdest part was that I had read that chapter and those very same very a million times probably and had even had them read to me as they are so familiar. I never realized that particular wording was in there. It was awesome to say the least. So I am just thankful, that even when we think the day is dark and dreary, God finds a place to add a little sunshine to brighten the day and roll the clouds away. That's exactly what happened today... and now I love Fridays even more than before! No, I still don't know any more than I did before as far as where I am in life right now, nor do I know the direction that I am supposed to be going, but I do know that God is with me and will be every single step of the way! Have a wonderfully blessed Friday! I know I already have!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Today is Wednesday.

That means that it is a Dallas night. It seems that on Wednesday I go to Dallas and he, Jessica, Josh and I all go to Buffalo's for Bash Night(all you can eat hot wings). That is one of my favorite things to do. It's not because I love hot wings, but it's because I love that Zac is so family oriented and I love hanging with Josh and Jessica. My family doesn't really hang out except on major holidays and then that just seems rushed. I'm just a family oriented person and I like that they are too. So I must decide on what I am wearing and make the long journey to Dallas for the week. It's my weekend in Georgia, so we are going to see a movie. I have to catch up on the first two of the series first. Anyway, Robert's not sure about a closing for the house, so now we (Mom and I) are looking to put it on the market or move into it ourselves. I wouldn't mind just moving into it, but I sure do hate that I have moved my stuff out already just to move it back in again. I guess that would be ok though. Hopefully Robert will know something one way or the other this week. The biggest thing right now is we don't know if he's getting the house or not, so we don't know what to do and are sort of at a stand still. Meanwhile, I have finally started scrapbooking again and am working on my Book of Me. This is the album that I insist that De and I do so that future generations would know who was the one taking all the pictures. I got as far as my title page, which is usually the last page that is done, and pretty much quit. That was probably 2.5 years ago and I am now finally doing another page. I have worked on 3 different layouts this week and they are finished except adding some photos and maybe a few journaled pieces. This album is very different because it's more like an autobiography or a research paper. Usually I can just tell what everyone was doing at the moment, but this book takes some thinking. It has been fun though scrapping again. I have quite a bit of dough "invested" in my scrapping supplies, so I might as well use it. One of the ebst parts of De and I getting together was that we had our favorite late night treat of noodles with sour cream and mushrooms. This was a weekly treat in high school, but you have to eat it late at night. So we did and it was scrumptious! Well I need to go and wash some clothes and pick out my attire. Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Long time no blog

So Jenn said I hadn't blogged on here in a while, so I figured I should... since I do have fans and all. HAHAHA ROFLMBO

Let's see what has been going on lately. I guess the biggest thing is I'm still job hunting. In the past when I didn't need a job... I could have any job I wanted on the spot. It was always like that. Now, that is NOT The case. I am practically begging. Maybe people aren't hiring because it's summer or something, but dude I sooooo need cash! I have done very well at stretching my dollars, however I sooo want a pedicure and some goodies from Bath & Body Works. However, my car payment seems to be the main need/want right now. Robert is buying the house, so that part of the divorce should be over soon. Unfortunately, the other part is not going as smoothly as I had planned. I don't know what made me think that it would... but you know one can always dream.

Other than my jobless state and being almost 30 and living with my mother.... again... life is grand. Now I love living with my mom and I love even more that she isn't alone, however I feel so lame just by the fact that it is a necessity right now. I have officially moved back into my old room. It's still pink... and the same curtains are still up as the day I moved a little over 9 years ago. However, let me just tell you that when a room is pretty much left for 9 years, dust accumulates... in every single place possible!!! I wish the room could be fixed all nice and pretty, but at this point I am just glad to get my clothes out of a suitcase. I haven't made it that far yet, but that is my goal soon.

Hmmm, what all has happened since I last blogged. Oh I had a staph infection on my chin, that was weird and it hurt like heck! I spent Memorial Day with Zac and his family at the lake. I had a wonderful time! I wish my family did stuff like that, but it never fails someone would end up mad at someone else and everyone's weekend would be ruined. So, I guess I will live vicariously through the Cain's. hehe The Gang had a cook out at Paul and Kim's, we celebrated Bitty's birthday. That was nice and the food was yumm-o! Especially my peach cobbler... lol Which would be heavenly to have right about now.

My Boogie girl turned 11 yesterday. I cannot believe it. I actually haven't had much time to think about it and it is best that way. I would be way too emotional.

Relay for Life is this Friday night. We(the gang) will all be there because it is part of our Junior Service League service hours. It's always fun to just have a big social event with the town, while doing a good thing too. I can't wait to see/hear the responses from people when they find out Robert and I are not together. It is ridiculous. My phone rings like crazy and anytime I go someone people are asking because they have seen him and his girlfriend. I just think it's funny.

Well I need to check on my laundry and work on a website project for a bit. I am working for my brother part timely... it's pretty easy stuff and at this point money is money... anyway... Have a wonderful week! Night.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Random ramblings...

I'm bored, so I thought I would come here and blog. I haven't done it in a while, and really have no particular topic so prepare yourself for random randomness. So... let's see, what has been going on lately? I'm getting a divorce... not sure if everyone knows that, but it's true. Everyone is in shock, but it's been a long time coming actually. Our marriage has been over way longer than we have been seperated, I'm just glad that we both realize that and are trying to both be civil. Some more civil than others, but I'm not going there... Do you ever wonder if people do things because they genuinely want to or if it's just to see the reaction of others. I'm not necessarily talking shock factor here, just lately some people have made certain choices, statements that really just confused the heck out of me. I don't know if they are sincere or if they just want to see how I react... honestly they probably don't even know the answer, but I digres... Anywho... moving along, the job hunt is on for real! I'm still doing photography, but unfortunately that does not pay too well for a single gal. When I had a husband, it was awesome... now, it's actually depressing, but that's cool. Everything happens for a reason and will work out the way it should... I just wish God would clue me in on when that will be. I'm not asking for exact date and time, but you know a general idea would not hurt at all. ;) I have put in my application all over the place. I would mind moving and having a fresh start, but at the same time that is so scary to leave my comfort zone. Robert and I had talked about how it would be nice before, but we would have had each other... all I will have is ME! That scares the heck out of me. I'm really excited about it though. Right now, I'm just praying that God will send me where he wants me to go and provide the funds for it. I'm totally spoiled by the cost of living in Roanoke, but that place has no jobs... so I'm going to have to step out of my comparitive shopper mode and go where the dough is... I have my friends that I have had forever, and it scares me leaving my comfort zone. However, when I lived in Auburn, I loved it. I didn't have friends there to begin with, but I did gain a few. My sister and aunt were there, my sister and I became a lot closer when I lived there and even though I missed my Mama it was totally worth it living there. It was fun too. It was the first time I had my own place. Then Robert moved in shortly after, but it wasn't really MY own place being that he paid for everything, so I guess really if we want to look at it from a technically speaking aspect, I haven't had my own place. Robert paid for everything. When he moved to Roanoke and I stayed in Auburn, he still paid the bills, well he supplied the money for the bills. Everytime I worked, that was just fun money... it will be an adjustment, but I think it's going to be SUPER! Yeah, I just said super... lol I have no clue where that came from... I guess it was just floating around and my brain decided to throw it out there for me to share with the world.

On a totally different note, yet kind of the same... I am happier now than I think I have ever been. I don't mean happy with material things, because right now all of my stuff is at my old house and I'm staying with Mom, but I just mean in general, that high on life feeling that I get from time to time... I'm totally lovin' it! I'm finding a whole new side of me and it's very cool. Each day brings a new surprise and I can't wait to see the person I have been surpressing all along that was just dying to break free. Ok, so maybe that's a little stretch because I haven't exactly gone wild. Despite the opnion of others... I have not! I have been open to new things that I would have never given a second thought to before and I just feel more free. I totally feel like I could take on the world. So many people have commented that I'm much more laid back and if you know me in real life, then you know that is a big deal! I would love to have been laid back, however, there just wasn't enough time and I liked things too structured for that to happen. I'm just kind of taking it all in and processing things still, but I'm cool with that. I'm a nice person... hehe well I have always been a nice person, but I was more snobby and high strung... very much in fact, and that is not me anymore. I'm very thankful too, because I don't like to be stressed and that is exactly what I was becoming... I can't wait to see what the future holds! So that's all of my randomness for now. I guess I should go and check on dinner, but I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out of my head. Have a great afternoon!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I fell in love with a jar of spaghetti sauce...

It has been a while since I blogged on here, as I have been bloggin on myspace, just some small random musings... nothing special. I decided I better find my way back over here for the good stuff. ;)
I posted a few weeks ago on my myspace blog that it's all in the little things. Zac left me a sweet note and it was just a small gesture, but the thought behind it had a huge impact. Sunday afternoon we had lunch at his parent's house. After we left, we went grocery shopping. We were getting the items for lasagna and were debating on the sauce... I am so used to having to get traditional or extra meat that I somehow have lost my sauce preference in my mind. He started naming off sauces, I agreed to each one, then he asked about the chunky mushroom sauce! Success!!! I had forgot that even existed. Then he went even further and asked if I wanted a jar of mushrooms to add to the sauce. Oh my goodness!! Where did he come from? This is sooooo my idea guy as far as the spaghetti sauce goes. lol I realize we should have probably made our own, but this is a new relationship afterall and it has been a long time since I made homemade spaghetti sauce. At this point, I just hope the lasagna turns out to be edible. Now, Robert said that Zac is a lucky man because I am making my lasagna for him and he gets to eat my cooking. He also said he will definitely fall in love with me now... way to go on the nerves there Rob! I know you meant well, but dude... the pressure! I do make good lasagna, however the last two times I made it, it was not my favorite. We shall see. It is made and looks delicious, not sure how it tastes though. Brownies are in the oven now. They smell divine! So it's kind of weird, because I thought Robert and I were a lot alike in a lot of ways. However, I now see that we aren't so much a like at all. I think we were a like because we had been together for so long. Zac and I are a lot a like just because we really are. Robert and I did NOT agree on veggies. Zac and I do. I know that might be small and stupid, but when you have alter your preferences to accomodate someone else, you lose sight of things that you really like. That goes for more than just mushroom and onions and even farther than spaghetti sauce. You think something that small would not be a big deal, but it's those small things that add up over time that turn molehills into mountains. This stuff is right there along with religious beliefs in my book now. lol All of this should have been taken into consideration before marraige, but you don't think about that stuff. It's like buying a house. The first time you buy you think you know what you want. Then after a while, you realize what you thought you wanted isn't exactly what you need and really wasn't what you wanted either. I'm not saying mushrooms and onions or the lack thereof ruined my marriage, the problems were way more complicated than that. I'm just saying it's good to be in agreement totally for once... without having to compromise.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The unexpected...

Sometimes you think you know what you want and you have it, but maybe it isn't all that you want or maybe it wasn't what you wanted to begin with. Sometimes you don't know what you want until it's gone and then it might just be too late. There comes a point in time when you have to give up all you've been holding on to and face the reality that maybe your life isn't as perfect as you wanted it to be and it will never be. At that point it is imperative that you choose what is best for you and what will make you the happiest. It might not be what you think want to do, but it might just be exactly what you've been hoping you would find. Even if you weren't looking. At one point in my life I thought that I had it all and nothing could be any better. It wasn't long after that, that I realized what I had wasn't all it was craced up to be, especially when the one thing you held onto for so long, didn't return the favor. Now I am comign to realize that I am me and I love who I am. I am not the me that I have always been, but I am the me who I am now. I like this new me. I do things that I would have never done before and I feel comfortable with myself. I am running away from that miss sunshine/ stepford wife attitude and living my life for the first time ever. It feels awesome. Do I wish that my marriage would not have fallen apart? Absolutely, when you get married it is for life and you are supposed to do anything and everything to hold on to that. I did just that, but I couldn't hold on any longer and the rope finally broke. It has been an eye opening experience and a reality check to say the least. However, I love my life and I wouldn't change a thing. I don't regret things I have done or said and I won't either. Would I have chosen a different path if I would have known the outcome of the path chosen... I hope not. We all learn from our life moments, mistakes, successes, failures and heartbreaks. It only makes us stronger and prepares us for who or what lies ahead. No one goes into a marriage thinking it will only last a year or two and of course we don't plan on that... however life sometimes has a way of working things differently than we had planned. It just adds pages to a chapter in our book of life, we just have to remember that the best is yet to come. We don't know the plans that God has for us, but we have to realize that we can never even come close to realizing the greatness of His master plan, and no matter how great we think our plan is... it is nothing compared to God's.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My head hurts

Well, I've had a very long yet boring day. I have a migraine from somewhere South of here... I went all sorts of places today, but ended up coming home around 7 and did not get anything accomplished. I hope I will feel more up to it tomorrow. My orders ame in so those will be delivered tomorrow. I will be all caught up and that's a good feeling. I guess I'm ging to chill for now, I am talking to Kim, so I will give her my undivided attention.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Oh it is definitely a Monday today...

I am so ILL!!!! You ever have those days when everyone gets on your nerves. I'm having that day today. Even people I only know online have me p'od. The worst part about it is, I haven't even talked to those people. lol I think I need therapy... of some kind at least. I have that dang bite and it hurts like heck!! My lymph nodes are swollen because of it, but what to do. Can't get in to see a dr so my arm will probably rot off. I so need to get in a better mood. I think I need to do something that I want to do today. I am working right now on prom photos and checking over the orders that came back from the lab today, but yet I just feel blah! I need drugs!!! There is a bowl of lifesaver jelly beans on my desk, but I am fighting the urge. They aren't a fruit or a vegestable, so I will be even be p'od at my self if I eat any of those... sure doesn't stop me for fantasizing about the taste. lol My photos are about halfway uploading, man I need to stop taking so many. lol I don't have time for this. I think I am going to take a brief walk while they are finishing, maybe that will help me feel better.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

So... My butt is tired!!!

Literally!!! I did not go to bed until 4 yesterday morning, then got up at 8 to drive my Dad to get my little brother. It was like 13 hours total. To make the trip even worse... my dad is not into music like I am. It made him nervous. lol My reply was take a nerve pill old man. lol Of course being the perfect daughter I turned the music off entirely. No one would say anything. SO that even made me sleepier. My little sister went with us. Occassionally she would say something.. but she pretty much slept which made me jealous! lol I wanted to sleep! Finally I had to turn the music back on. I told my dad, that I was sorry but I couldn't handle it I was tired and they weren't talking me so the music was keeping me awale. Finally he was ok with it, if I agreed to turn the bass down. I mean seriously dude... so I turned it downa bit and man it sucked! My sister was on my side on this one... she said the music was relaxing. lol My little brother Chris is the sweetest little boy. He evens opens doors for his sisters and he is only 10!!! It takes me back to when Michael was his age, I miss those times. That was when he liked me. The now almost 15 year old does good to even respond to a question. He did however ask me to go eat lunch with him when his school had a thing for family day. However, by the time the day came, I was no longer allowed to go. He said I gave his friends too much information. lol I had done enough damage according to him. I did a shoot at his school a few weeks back and his buddies were hanging around while I was shooting. They said that last year Michael acted like he was dumb. Acted being the operative word here... I responded, "Yeah. That boy is smarter than he lets on to be. Don't him fool you." I thought I did a good thing to take up for him... however, according to him this was the wrong thing to do!

I am trying to cleaqn up my scrapbooking room, it is a disaster. I have been wanting to sew lately, but I couldn't get to my stuff. lol, so I figured I better do something. Plus, it is a real downer when your scrapping buddy calls to see if you want to scrapbook and your reply is, "I have scrapbooking stuff in there?" lol I knew it of course, but couldn't tell you where it was. lol

I got bit by another spider or something... I had a med consult today with Mrs. Bonnie. I have instructions to go to the dr tomorrow and get an antibiotic as it is tunnelling.. ewww and now my lymphnodes are swollen. Thanks alot! I know one thing the bite hurts, but I think the lymph nodes might hurt even worse than that! I guess I will get back to cleaning,, so I can have my nightly chats with tha girls. See ya!

Oh, Quick niece updates... Courtney, (middle niece, 7) has been chosen to be tested for gifted... and everyone says she is me made over.. hmm now I believe them. ;)

Bree (last niece, 6) is only in Kindergarten, but is really enjoying the Goosebumps series. This girl reads larger books than I do.

Brook (oldest, 10) had her pre-prientation for middle school. I'm about in tears over that. I have chosen her extracurricular activites for her... lol I even convinced her that she would be adorable in a golf outfit and that she should be on the golf team.

Cass (newest addition, 17) is currently looking for a prom date. Why? BEcause her other date is a jerk and well.. he doesn't deserve to be accompanied by someone as lovely as she.

Ok, think that's really it now. Later!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

I am so bored....

This is NEVER a good thing with me. I don't handle boredom well. It's a good thing that I'm not bored that often. When I am bored, I often come up with drastic things to do and things that ususally cost a lost of money, that I suddenly NEED. Yes, I said Need. That being said, I have a lonnnng list. I have a shoot today, then I will be ready with my list. That list which includes some practical items, possibly has more not so practical needs. Those of which include a Brachioplasty (Arm job) and a fat roll removal... lol I'm sure there is a technical term, but whatever... I just want it done. I also want new bedding, new crown molding in my bedroom and my walls painted. Will tuiis be accomplisehed tonight? Doubtful... I have a shoot and then I have to get ready to go get my little brother from his mom's tomorrow. Maybe some of it will get done this weekend though. I guess, I should get ready for the shoot and return all the darn phone calls from everybody in the brother calling today. Have a great Friday. At the moment I'm having my lovely meal of apple chips. Yum!!! This totally does not go along with my whole living foods deal, but what can I say, I love these things!!! I think I can handle just one bag a day... lol of course that is an individual portion.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's been 10 days...

since I last blogged. I just got back from Daytona. Had a blast! Sisters bag got stolen with camera and her cell phone. She has handled it pretty well. Anyway, It is a beautiful day and I am going outside to work in the yard... I will blog more later. Ok, I am back. The pollen was tooo bad. What was I thinking? Anyway, I had a break from my usual apple chip meal. I actually had a Subway sandwich. It was good. I topped it off with a remainder of Rolos Robbie got me on our way back from Daytona. It was a nice surpise, just a sweet gesture. I love Rolo's, they are my favorite little reminder of my childhood. My dadd used to buy me Rolo's. So anytime I have some of those, it takes me back... anyway I have had some time to myself this week. It has been nice. I have done some through deep down cleaning. I have been able to catch up with old friends and some new friends that I have not talked to in a while. I guess, I should get off of here and give my sister my undivided attention on the phone. Anyway, have a great day! Send me some love... all of my windows will be up, email, etc... so I can see it when I walk by.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Letter to the Normals

I found this on a fibromyalgia website, as you see it is 1:30am and I am still awake. This is a typical night for me and I long for the times when I was asleep before 10. I thought I was so old then, and wasting my years sleeping, then I got to where when I tried to sleep, I couldn't, i woudl think of all the things that I could be accomplishing, now, I am awake, but have no energy and the pain is unbearable and yet I still think of the time that I am wasting. What can I do about it?.... Nothing!
Anyway, as I was saying, I found this and of course it reminded myself of me and Mama, as she was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. She joked that she got it from me. Thankfully she is feeling great these days, praise the Lord! I hope she continues to feel well. My back is getting better, I think one or two more visits with Dr. Steele shall do it. I am actually able to stand up straight today on my own. I still hurt like crazy though. I just hate not knowing why it hurts, I don't know if I did something or if it's the FM (fibrommyalgia, unfortunately I have been made very aware of the Fibro-fog lately, as I forget everything it seems. I do feel a bit better about it though as now I know I am not crazy and don't have Alzheimers at 27. There is a dog barking in my backyard... we don't have dogs, but whatever they are running out of the yard, I am thankful for that. Now back to the fibro-fog... earlier Robert asked if we had any chocolate, we did, but I couldn't tell him what kind it was for the longest. It was a Twix bar, and when I finally did remember, I wasn't too sure that it was the correct name. We just bought it Friday night, so I should not have forgotten it that soon, but I did. Anyway, welcome to my world! The letter is below, it totally describes me!!!

The Letter To Normals

Hello Family, Friends, and Anyone Wishing to Know Me,

Allow me to begin by thanking you for taking the time out of your day to spend some time with me and get to know me better. A person’s time is their most valuable asset and yours is appreciated.

I want to talk to you about Fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS). Many have never heard of these conditions and for those who have, many are misinformed. And because of this judgments are made that may not be correct… So I ask you to keep an open mind as I try to explain who I am and how FM/MPS has assaulted not only my life but those whom I love as well.

You see, I suffer from a disease that you cannot see; a disease that there is no cure for and that keeps the medical community baffled at how to treat and battle this demon, who’s attacks are relentless. My pain works silently, stealing my joy and replacing it with tears. On the outside we look alike you and I; you wont see my scars as you would a person who, say, had suffered a car accident. You wont see my pain in the way you would a person undergoing chemo for cancer; however, my pain is just as real and just as debilitating. And in many ways my pain may be more destructive because people can’t see it and do not understand....

Please don’t get angry at my seemingly lack of interest in doing things; I punish myself enough I assure you. My tears are shed many times when no one is around. My embarrassment is covered by a joke or laughter, but inside I want to die....

Most of my "friends" are gone; even members of my own family have abandoned me. I have been accused of "playing games" for another’s sympathy. I have been called unreliable because I am forced to cancel plans I made at the last minute because the burning and pain in my legs or arms is so intense I cannot put my clothes on and I am left in my tears as I miss out on yet another activity I used to love and once participated in with enthusiasm.

I feel like a child at times... Just the other day I put the sour cream I bought at the store in the pantry, on the shelf, instead of in the refrigerator; by the time I noticed it, it had spoiled. When I talk to people, many times I lose my train of thought in mid sentence or forget the simplest word needed to explain or describe something. Please try to understand how it feels to have another go behind me in my home to make sure the stove is off after I cook an occasional meal. Please try to understand how it feels to “lose” the laundry, only to find it in the stove instead of the dryer. As I try to maintain my dignity the Demon assaults me at every turn. Please try to understand….

Sleep, when I do get some, is restless and I wake often because of the pain the sheets have on my legs or because I twitch uncontrollably. I walk through many of my days in a daze with the Fibro-fog laughing at me as I stumble and grasp for clarity.

And just because I can do a thing one day, that doesn’t mean I will be able to do the same thing the next day or next week. I may be able to take that walk after dinner on a warm July evening; the next day or even the in the next hour I may not be able to walk to the fridge to get a cold drink because my muscles have begun to cramp and lock up or spasm uncontrollably. And there are those who say “but you did that yesterday!” “What is your problem today?” The hurt I experience at those words scars me so deeply that I have let my family down again; and still they don’t understand….

On a brighter side I want you to know that I still have my sense of humor. If you take the time to spend with me you will see that. I love to tell that joke to make another’s face light up and smile at my wit. I love my kids and grandbabies and shine when they give me my hugs or ask me to fix their favorite toy. I am fun to be with if you will spend the time with me on my own playing field; is this too much to ask? I love you and want nothing more than to be a part of your life. And I have found that I can be a strong friend in many ways. Do you have a dream? I am your friend, your supporter and many times I will be the one to do the research for your latest project; many times I will be your biggest fan and the world will know how proud I am at your accomplishments and how honored I am to have you in my life.

So you see, you and I are not that much different. I too have hopes, dreams, goals… and this demon…. Do you have an unseen demon that assaults you and no one else can see? Have you had to fight a fight that crushes you and brings you to your knees? I will be by your side, win or lose, I promise you that; I will be there in ways that I can. I will give all I can as I can, I promise you that. But I have to do this thing my way. Please understand that I am in such a fight myself and I know that I have little hope of a cure or effective treatments, at least right now. Please understand….

Thank you for spending your time with me today. I hope we can work through this thing, you and I. Please understand that I am just like you… Please understand….

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I'm addicted..

it seems lately I am addicted to lots of things. lol Croissants from Sam's Club, Yogo's fruit snacks, especially Island Explosion and Banana-Berry (which is weird because I HATE anything artificially banana flavored), Apple Chips and now Samoas flavored ice cream. I discovered it last night and man it is just yummy! I don't even like ice cream! Well, it isn't my frozen treat of choice anyway. The weirdest of them all is my grapfruit shampoo and conditioner from Bath & Body Works. I love that stuff. I walk around forcing everyone to smell my freshly washed hair and become offended when they tell me that they can't smell anything!!!!
I tell you if ever there was a time for me to be pregnant it would be now, my emotions are whacked!!! More so than usual, there was a picture that I took in the paper, I cried. There was a photo of 5 generations in the paqper, I cried. I cried because Brook is halfway through her primary school career and Erin is not 2 anymore, but now 19!! Oh and the list goes on and on... lol I need some drugs and obviously some strong ones! I did a shoot last night at a school dance. My back has been bothering me and that only made it worse. I spent 2 days in the bed this week and the latter half of today on the sofa. I saw my bestest friend in the whole wide world Dr. Steele today. I love him!!!! I am going to have to go back sometimes this week because I still am in major pain! However while I was there I managed to get scolded for wearing open back shoes and working the yard. Not because I might hurt my back, but because I might run into a snake. lol Ahhh you gotta love him! Anyway, I guess I will enjoy watching my DVR's episode of Will & Grace and get back to my Samoas ice cream. lol Hae a great night!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm home alone today...

for the first time in months and what am I doing? I'm lying in the bed!!!! Not becacuse I am lazy, as I have tons of things that I want to do, but my back is bothering me very badly so I took some Flexra and have been in bed ALL DAY LONG! I want to work outside, I want to clean, I want to work in the hobby room, but I have a shoot tomorrow and know that I NEED to be ready for that. So here I lie!! Bored out of my mind. Talking to my sister on the phone and forcing her to listen me sing, well bolt out uncontrollable sounds that have a similar tune to old songs, but unfortunately do not fall in the the same key range! Poor her!!! Hmm, wonder if my brother has any requests?? Well I shall be going now, I sent out the Easter invites via email today. If you did not receive one, let me know and I will get it to you. Thanks! Love you bunches!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Robbie goes back to work tomorrow. We are thankful for that. I have garden club today. I have started working in the yard and am loving it. The weather has been so beautiful lately. It has been close to 80 several days. I can't wait to get the yard finished for Easter. We always have it at our house and I love it. It is one of my favorite holidays. Since I love to entertain that makes it even better. I was hoping that my house would be finished by then, but chances of that happening are slim to none. Maybe next year. I'm not sure if I have posted or not, but Cassi did excellent in the science fair GEARSEF. She brought home several awards including the US Army Achievement Award and the Air Force Award of Excellence in Science and Engineering. She worked really hard and we are very proud of her. I guess that is it for now, I am feeling really tired so I am going to rest up before the meeting. Talk to you later.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mattress Woes- spin off of The Princess and the Pea

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted a new mattress. This was quite a longtime desire, so the girl decided to do some mattress shopping. Store after store the girl tested mattresses until she found the mattress that she wanted more than any other amttress. Just to be sure she went to another store to try the same mattress. Yes! This was THE ONE! So she placed her order at the mattress store and paid the big price for the special mattress with the space foam. It was a state of the art mattress and the newest, best thing on the market. The mattress came in and was delivered. It was great, for a few months, then the thing broke down. The girl complained day in and day out. Finally,the girl had her husband call the company to find out what the problem was. They agreed to order a new mattress. Great, they would call when it came in to set up a delivery date. The girl went on a trip to North Carolina for several months. The mattress never got delivered. Once they were home for good, they called the company to set up a delivery date for the matress. They had to order a new one because the old one had been sold. Upon visiting the store, a different kind of mattress was requestedx, but they qagreed to try ONE MORE MATTRESS. The day came and the mattress was delivered. It was heaven! That is until they went to put the sheets on the bed. It was not the correct size. The girl fussed with her husband to push it this way, but he kep saying to push it his way. Finally the girl measured the mattress and called the company. It was not the correct size. A new mattress was delivered, it was not the same kind and there was too much moisture in the plant so the box springs creaked like crazy. Finally, they decided to contact the store agin. The girl just wanted the old mattress that was not the right size. It slept great and the new mattress was hard and stiff and yucky. The store said they would bring that mattress back and a brand new mattress. Great! The girl was overly excited. The day came and the mattresses were delviered. The service men put the new mattress on there first. This time the owner of the company had came. He said they had made the matress as a california king width, but a regular kind length. The new mattress was too hard. It was lower and just not comfy. The second mattress was just right!!!! Except now the box springs were too large. The man was not happy with the girl, but the girl was standing her ground. She had requested from the beginning exactly what she wanted and it was not her fault they kept ordering other mattresses. The girl knows what she wants. Apparently other people just don't always listen to the girl. The girl was very calm and polite the whole time. Apologizing and thanking them for the extra effort they had put forth, but insisting that it was not what she wanted. The girl politely stated her case and then left the room as a breakdown was close at hand. The girl is supposed to reduce stress levels and everyone in a room just staring at her waiting for her to tell them what they want to hear was not a great way to do this. The girl politely excused herself after staing her originaly request once more, stating that it had been her request from the beginning. The girl left it in their hands now to do the right thing. Once the service men took the mattress out and had placed the too small matttress on the box springs, the girl's husband pointed to something on the mattress.The girl leaned over and saw a hole. The girl kept her mouth shut and was grateful for what she had, but is anxiously waiting for the call to see if she can get box springs to match her too small of a mattress or if she will not sleep for the rest of her life. You see the girl never sleeps and the too small mattress was the only mattress since she was a merely a teen that she has been able to rest peacfully on through the night. This probably meant nothing to the store owner, but to the girl it meant the world.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I got my laptop back!!! After a LONNNNNG time... it is finally fixed. my battery isn't being recognized, but the power supply works! Woohoo!! We go Friday to the last Science fair that we have scheduled. I had some awesome pictures delivered yesterday and am waiting on some more today. I guess life is pretty boring otherwise. Robert's job search is still on, had a phone interview with a company from Mississippi. So Robbie is excited about that.
Someone hit the back of my truck and knocked off my Auburn hitch cover and broke it. That was not a happy finding, not to mention the big white scratch going across the bumper. To make it worse, it was in my own yard. It just seems like life just keeps piling things on us, but that's cool. We're strong.
We got our new cell phones, but we couldn't port the numbers. Roanoke Telephone Company sucks!!! So now we have Southern Lincs. Our power bill from last month came it was almost 300.00!! That is extremely high for us, but it was because of our heat pump messing up last month. So everything continues to pile and we survive. Thank God for that!!! He always comes through and He will again! Oh I took some photos at our old church Saturday. I lvoed seeing everyone. It really felt like home again. I miss them. Anyway, I guess I will be going now, UPS just came with my last package. See ya!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The last time I blogged was 2 weeks ago. A lot has happened since then. My Dad had surgery, then i went into the hosptial, then I checked out of the hospital and Dad went back in. Sister has been sick and so has my Mom. My Mom really probably should be in the hospital, but she is a little on the stubborn side, so I get it honest. Cassi entered the school science fair and won 2nd place. Then she went to district and won 2nd again, Tomorrow is the big day! The state science fair. We are excited and nervous and scared and probably most of all tired. We have redone the project for a 3rd time now. The finishing touches and the lights are being wired now. Thanks to Uncle Brad and Uncle Larry for loaning us the vital pieces of the display. I have taken some cute photos of some adorable babies. They have been just precious. You can view those on my website. www.creativeimpressionsphotography.com
I guess that is really all that I have to update on now. I am sure there is more, but can't think right now. Oh Robbie did great on his state merit test for the dept of conservation, so maybe he will get called for an interview. I guess I am going to help some more on this project. We are having trouble with the lights. Have a blessed Thursday!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I enjoy being high....

on life that is. Life is great! Isn't wonderful to be alive and healthy. Even more wonderful to be a child of God. I am just enjoying today and the wonderful life that I have. No, things are not perfect, nor will they ever be, but if I had to choose another life I don't think I would. I have everything that I need and even more than I could wish to have. I have a great family and a warm home and a happy heart. I am blessed!

The Science fair was today. Cassi got 2nd place. All she wanted was honorable mention. She nows get to go Glenwood. I am a germ freak and she is now becoming one. She cultured school surfaces and then we watched them grow. It was NASTY! Hoever, that nasty got her 2nd place, so HOORAY FOR GERMS! lol

I guess I am going now. I am having to find a new cell phone provider. Cingular is terminating our coverage at the end of this month. Apparently we are in their service area. They just decided this after 6 years, so here we go starting from scratch again. Oh well. It is horrible that they only gives us a month to change. Cassi just got new accessories for her phone for Christmas and now she can't even use them. I think we should have been grandfathered in since we had been with them so long. If nothing else, they could have at least let us wait until our contract ran out. Have a wonderfully blessed day!


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I am blogging due to popular demand... hehe

Here you go.
It was once said that life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. That is exactly what has been my deal lately. Actually I think that is the theme of my life. I make plans and that happens, but for some odd reason so does all sorts of other stuff that I don't plan on happening. For instance, our heat pump has been out of commission for a few days. It was around 43 degrees in this house. Of course it took me 3 days to realize that something must be wrong with it and my cheap alter ego was going to have to bite the bullet and call someone. A real professional. This was not something I could handle on my own. Trust me, I know. I tried.... lol So after several repair calls and finally someone able to come "tomorrow" (which is now today) things are finally starting to heat up around here. It is costing me $240.00, but that is a small price to pay for the luxurious comfort of warm air!!! (I am purposely ending this sentence with a preposition)

Cassi was officially asked to the prom. Of course it was by Kane. They really get on my nerves. They will probably end up married, but that will be ok, he is an Auburn fan. We went looking for dresses a bit Saturday, no luck. The hunt continues. We had a wonderfully awesome dinner at Johnny Carino's. The total bill for the four of us, (Robert, Cassi, Casey and me) was a whopping total of $23.38. If you have EVER eaten at Johnny's (as Bree calls it) then you will immediately recognize that amount for even two people is a small miracle. So how did we do it? Well we decided to try the family portion. We all had a choice of unlimited soup or salad or a mixture, bread of course and we all decided on Chicken Gorgonzola for our main dish. It was supposed to feed 2-3 people. It was enough for all of us to have seconds and there was still some left over. Delicious!!! There is nothing better that garlic sauteed mushrooms! YUM! TO make the small miracle even bigger, it only cost me $3.28. How do you do it, you might asking. Well it is simple, saince Johnny' Carino's once overcharged me and screwed up my bank account clost to $1,000. They were kind enough to send me $50.00 in gift certificates and a free dessert coupon. RObert and I used $30. worth on one meal and I had twenty left. I was saving it for their meal for two special taht they have in slow months, but decided since the girls have worked for several Saturdays in a row without complaining one biut and without any pay, I would take them out for a nice dinner. So our grand total comes to a whopping $1,003.28. Not bad for a family of four, huh? LOL

Ok, so the girls started softball practice yesterday. Casey had been so excited, but now she is discouraged, as this is her first year. She chose cleats for her payment. Cassi wants a bat for hers. Cassi on the other hand enjoyed practice. She has improved a lot and is being very encouraging with Casey which is a good thing. We spent a small fortune on softball gear last year and Saturday that small fortune grew even larger. Maybe they will use it till is shreds. lol And the injuries begin... Cassi got hit in the jaw yesterday. Last year you would have thought she was beaten as much as she was banged up. It looked horrible. She was a good sport though. This will be good for both of them. Tomorrow they go for a checkup and their physicals. They get to miss school, so they are super excited. lol

I have weird cultures growing on my kitchen table. I have officially passed my germ phobia on to others. Soon we will be a small cult. Cassi took samples of all kinds of yucky germ infested public places and put them in an incubator for 48 hours. Man did they ever grow. Yesterday Daddy was looking at them and I said, "Umm, you might want to wash your hands." He threw down the petrie dish he was hol.ding it was so funny. Then when he realized what all that stuff was he was like, "Well it's growing." lol So this weekend will be Science project weekend. Cassi has to do her pictures and Casey has to take pictures for hers.... but of feet! I don't know and I'm not asking. I'm just supplying the camera.

I really need to get to work now as bills don't pay themselves. hehe I have someone coming for graduation invitations today and then someone coming about her shoot on Saturday, so I should make myself presentable. It is just so cold! I hate to move.

I just finsihed my delicious bowl of oatmeal with pecans and cranberries. It was scrumptiously delicious, so now I must bid farewell. Oh, before I do, my website is now open for business. The address is www.creativeimpressionsphotography.com
Check it out. My brother did a great job.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Today was pretty lame. We took inventory of our entire food supply. LOL I am trying to utilize what we have as we have a tendancy to buy what we want and just keep the rest stored for later. With what we had on hand we have planned 35 meals and still had plenty to keep going, but I got tired. Of course we did have to get a few things, but that was only a total of $50.00 worth. With cleaning products, it came to close to 90.00. Still not bad. So, we went to church tonight. I missed my brother there tonight. Then we went to get groceries. I love my s'mores set that Gigi got me for Christmas. It is quite handy. However, once I gain 30 pounds from eating marshmallows each night until I get the perfectly toasted layers, I might not think so. Now keep in mind, I have a gas stove and so in the past when I have had a desire for roasted marshmallows, I wouild roast them on that. It wasn't often, but enough to hold me over until fall. Great, perfect, wonderful! That is until now. I think I have to have them every few days. So... what else is going on? Nothing really. The job serch continues. I am shooting some basketball teams this weekend. That should be a good gig. The photos have been shipped from the pageant so I am excited to see how they turn out. I also stress about them until they get here and I can look over them. I am just always so nervous and frantic. I guess that about sums it up for now. I need to go as it is almost midnight. Maybe I can write more tomorrow. See ya later!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Well, it's finally over.

The big shoot,, that is. I just got home and I am exhausted. I had a great crew helping me today. Things went very smoothly and that is owed only to God. We prayed and prayed and prayed and so far so good. I briefly proofed each photo when I shot them, so they look good I suppose. As always, some I love and some will do. I shot a great group of kids today and the parents weren't so bad either. I was going to bed because I said no work tonight, after working a 9 hour day today... but... I couldn't resist, so I am now going to look through the pics again. ;) I can't do it long though we have church tomorrow and we are in charge of children's church. Night.

Today is the BIG day!

I hav eto shoot the Miss Handleyan Pageant. I am scared to death and nervous. I am waiting for the girls to show up to have their photos made at this very moment. I cannot beleive I agree'd to this, however my family has become accustomed to eating, so I guess I should just suck it up and be done. That does not help my nerves one bit though. I know it will go over great, but that doesn't change the way I feel. Everyone has been so good about helping me lately. This morning I was allowed to sleep in and was served breakfast in bed. So, I guess I should close for me moment, I just thought I would ask for a little prayer. ;) Love you bunches!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

A house full of girls.

I have a house full of girls. 5 to be exact. Courtney was with us, but she is sickly and we hope she feels better soon. We have had fun I guess. Played wth dogs and games and pool. We even took some pictures. I have a shoot enxt week for a pageant, so we had to practice. HEre is a sample

I have a bulging disc, so actually I have done a lot of lying around the past few days, per Dr. Steele's orders of course. Robbie has made breakfast for everyone. He is still out of work, but is looking. As soon as my back is better, I will get back on the looking trail. Well I guess I better go for now, the girls are eating and I hear the salt chat starting. I will be back later. Bye for now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some people live in a soap opera...

I live in a drama. Robbie went back to work on Monday. Guess what. He had been repalced. Even though I had called them at least twice a week and everyday when he was in the hosptial. They told me the documentation to get and I had everything. You would think they would have told me on Friday when I called them a million times trying to make sure everything was in order, but noooo. They wait for him to come in at 4 am Monday morning. Then his boss wasn't even there to tell him. Oh the nerve of some people. the worst aprt is, not one single person asked about him from there. That sucks majorly. I guess people are just losing their compassion. Oh well. All's well that ends well and I guess that ended well because it is part of God's perfect plan. Now I myself am a planer and I know God gets the biggest kick out of me making my plans, but I can't help it. At least I provide him some good entertainment because He has let me know more than once that my plans don't always go with what He has in mind. I am trying to make sure that I listen so that He will maybe let me have a little say in the plans he has in store. If ntohing else, maybe he could give a me a clue on the route to take. I tell you this choosing the wrong road stuff is hard work. Oh why oh why doesn't he just call me up on the phone or send me an email? It would be so much easier. He doesn't though and He certainly didn't promise that things would be easy. I know the reason that He doesn't is because my faith doesn't grow if I get the easy answers. Just like in school, when you are given the answers you don't learn anything, but when you are forced to trial and error or finding the answers for yourself, you get so much more out of the deal. I must not be a fast learner, or I probably don't listen. LOL Whatever the case- I am sure he gets frustrated with me from time to time... and that is an understatement to say the elast. Now, that I have given the moral lesson for today on gaining wisdom and faith I guess I should continue to give me blog update.

Cassi got her report card. She made some improvements and some things came down, but not too bad. Robbie is looking for work, as I am looking to go back to work full time until we can get worked out again. Robbie is worried that my health will decline again, but I told him I have to do what I have to do. I think the problem in the past has been that is has been physically exausting and too harsh on my body. I am looking for something a little more calm this go round. Robbie and I have been playing family games each night to relax. We are addicted. I slaughtered him yesterday in Monopoly and then again last night in Phase 10. He was not a happy camper and we ended up ending the game early. I told him he was a sore loser and he agreed. LOL It was funny seeing him act like that, because it is totally not like him. I guess that is why he loves his X-Box so much. He doesn't have to play with anyone but the computer. lol

I am shooting a pageant next week at Handley. THat makes me very nervous because that is my Alma Mater. Talk about being put under pressure.I am sure it will be fun and a learning experience. hopefully it will get me some senior jobs. If I could get more business then I wouldn't have to go back to work. I just balanced my checkbook and somewhere there is 4.66 missing and it is driving me crazy. I don't know where it went, so I just entered it and figured it would even things out. I am not in the mood to do it now. It is too depressing. My brother's birthday is Saturday. Tomorrow I am being treated to lunch by friends. I guess they pity my life drama. lol It always is good to have people cheer you up, especially friends like mine. It is a shame when some of the people you need most aren't there for you. Some people can be very selfish and self centered at times... no matter the expense to others. I guess we all can be though. That's just part of life.

On a happy note... I have THE BEST Aunt Nancy ever. She was awesome when Robbie was in the hosptial. I had a home cooked meal every night (even when it was horribly late) and a nice cozy bed waiting for me. Then in the morning, I had wonderful fellowship with her and a yummy breakfast of homemade oatmeal with all sorts of healthy goodies. Just the way I like it. I always have loved to stay there and this was the first time in my "grown up years" that I have been able to do so. I have always strived to be just like her and want my nieces to feel the same way about me and my house. She is the best! I think she could be a Stepford wife. LOL I have been craving some more of that oatmeal, but I doubt mine will be made homemade. I will probably just add the healthy goodies to the not so healthy instant pack variety. lol

Courtney is on the task of setting Mama up with someone. She is trying to recruit people for the cause. She is hilarious about the whole deal. She knows exactly what she wants her grandpa to have. This girl means business. I haven't been able to see or talk to Brook and Bree for a few weeks, but I imagine they are just as cute as ever. Courtney is local and calls daily to check on Mama so I get filled in that way. I have learned that if I want business taken care of to get Courtney on the task. Her next assignment is to get Mama to go to the dr about her arm. The grandpa idea was all her own.

Daddy is trying to keep Casey and Michael from killing each other. Chris went back to Mobile. We miss him soooo much. I wish he and Justin both would move up here. Justin is currently on my list- he hasn't replied to my myspace messages. lol I should know that a big sister is not top priority to a 19 year old boy with cute girls on his friend list. I am sure that would cramp his style.

The whole family is addicted to Mama's Wheel of Fortune game that we got her for Chrsitmas and Courtney loved it so much that she bought one for herself. Brook, Courtney and Bree are all wonderful at this game. They are so smart. It is amazing at how intelligent they are to be their ages. It is a blessing to say the least.

Yesterday was my Garden Club meeting.It was very enjoyable. Our topic was The Healthy Gardener. We learned some stretches that you could do before working in the yard. The stretches felt really good and was actually very relaxing. We all looked silly stretching in nice clothes and heels, but it just added to the fun.

I guess I need to be going now. I don't want to wear out my welcome. ;) I was waiting for Mama to get home from work, but it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon, so I will head home. I have to go get my meds from Wal-Mart before they close and make it back in time for Grey's Anatomy.
I will try and post some photos soon.
Talk to you guys later- Ciao!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

It has been a LONNNNG time since I last posted. Life has been happeneing. ;) Robert was in the hospital, but he is a lot better. He had viral meningitis. Still not perfect, but way better than he has been lately. He planss to go back to work next week. 4 weeks is too long without a pay check, but there was no way that he could have worked. He goes to get a release from the dr today I think.
Today is a wonderfully rainy day with thunder so loud is shakes the whole house. Very cool! It does seem to have calmed down a lot though.
I have a gripe today, actually I have several, but I will keep those to myself. The one I must vent about is UPS. In October I had received some lights, backdrop stands and other items for my photography business. This was stuff that I needed very bad. WHen I received the items, some of the bulbs were broken. The bulbs are very expensive, so I filed a claim with UPS. FIne, they sent money for the bulbs to be replace, but have not yet sent the package. Everyday we have been on the phone with people all over the US and finally yesterday we got an actual answer. UPS destroyed the package as it was not repairable. Ummmm, yes it was!!!! I am so livid. I had already paid for these things and now they won't ay for them because they were only insured to cover the repairs and that won't cover everything. I have a big job coming up that I needed those for and now I can't do it. I cannot believe this. BTW, if anyone from UPS ever tells you they will call you back- they are LYING!!!! Vent over...
Ok, trying to remain calm, so I guess I will be getting off of here for now. Hopefully it won't be so long between posts next time.