Welcome to my blog...

Prepare yourself for the roller coaster ride of emotions... Be forewarned, this site is my vent site... I cannot be held responsible for what may be said on this blog. Often it's just little tidbits of useless information, but occassionally a wobbler post slips in and all my feelings are revealed. Sometimes they are sweet, sad or cheerful.... but oh when they aren't... well just let me go ahead and apologize now. lol What did you expect?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Today was pretty lame. We took inventory of our entire food supply. LOL I am trying to utilize what we have as we have a tendancy to buy what we want and just keep the rest stored for later. With what we had on hand we have planned 35 meals and still had plenty to keep going, but I got tired. Of course we did have to get a few things, but that was only a total of $50.00 worth. With cleaning products, it came to close to 90.00. Still not bad. So, we went to church tonight. I missed my brother there tonight. Then we went to get groceries. I love my s'mores set that Gigi got me for Christmas. It is quite handy. However, once I gain 30 pounds from eating marshmallows each night until I get the perfectly toasted layers, I might not think so. Now keep in mind, I have a gas stove and so in the past when I have had a desire for roasted marshmallows, I wouild roast them on that. It wasn't often, but enough to hold me over until fall. Great, perfect, wonderful! That is until now. I think I have to have them every few days. So... what else is going on? Nothing really. The job serch continues. I am shooting some basketball teams this weekend. That should be a good gig. The photos have been shipped from the pageant so I am excited to see how they turn out. I also stress about them until they get here and I can look over them. I am just always so nervous and frantic. I guess that about sums it up for now. I need to go as it is almost midnight. Maybe I can write more tomorrow. See ya later!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Well, it's finally over.

The big shoot,, that is. I just got home and I am exhausted. I had a great crew helping me today. Things went very smoothly and that is owed only to God. We prayed and prayed and prayed and so far so good. I briefly proofed each photo when I shot them, so they look good I suppose. As always, some I love and some will do. I shot a great group of kids today and the parents weren't so bad either. I was going to bed because I said no work tonight, after working a 9 hour day today... but... I couldn't resist, so I am now going to look through the pics again. ;) I can't do it long though we have church tomorrow and we are in charge of children's church. Night.

Today is the BIG day!

I hav eto shoot the Miss Handleyan Pageant. I am scared to death and nervous. I am waiting for the girls to show up to have their photos made at this very moment. I cannot beleive I agree'd to this, however my family has become accustomed to eating, so I guess I should just suck it up and be done. That does not help my nerves one bit though. I know it will go over great, but that doesn't change the way I feel. Everyone has been so good about helping me lately. This morning I was allowed to sleep in and was served breakfast in bed. So, I guess I should close for me moment, I just thought I would ask for a little prayer. ;) Love you bunches!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

A house full of girls.

I have a house full of girls. 5 to be exact. Courtney was with us, but she is sickly and we hope she feels better soon. We have had fun I guess. Played wth dogs and games and pool. We even took some pictures. I have a shoot enxt week for a pageant, so we had to practice. HEre is a sample

I have a bulging disc, so actually I have done a lot of lying around the past few days, per Dr. Steele's orders of course. Robbie has made breakfast for everyone. He is still out of work, but is looking. As soon as my back is better, I will get back on the looking trail. Well I guess I better go for now, the girls are eating and I hear the salt chat starting. I will be back later. Bye for now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some people live in a soap opera...

I live in a drama. Robbie went back to work on Monday. Guess what. He had been repalced. Even though I had called them at least twice a week and everyday when he was in the hosptial. They told me the documentation to get and I had everything. You would think they would have told me on Friday when I called them a million times trying to make sure everything was in order, but noooo. They wait for him to come in at 4 am Monday morning. Then his boss wasn't even there to tell him. Oh the nerve of some people. the worst aprt is, not one single person asked about him from there. That sucks majorly. I guess people are just losing their compassion. Oh well. All's well that ends well and I guess that ended well because it is part of God's perfect plan. Now I myself am a planer and I know God gets the biggest kick out of me making my plans, but I can't help it. At least I provide him some good entertainment because He has let me know more than once that my plans don't always go with what He has in mind. I am trying to make sure that I listen so that He will maybe let me have a little say in the plans he has in store. If ntohing else, maybe he could give a me a clue on the route to take. I tell you this choosing the wrong road stuff is hard work. Oh why oh why doesn't he just call me up on the phone or send me an email? It would be so much easier. He doesn't though and He certainly didn't promise that things would be easy. I know the reason that He doesn't is because my faith doesn't grow if I get the easy answers. Just like in school, when you are given the answers you don't learn anything, but when you are forced to trial and error or finding the answers for yourself, you get so much more out of the deal. I must not be a fast learner, or I probably don't listen. LOL Whatever the case- I am sure he gets frustrated with me from time to time... and that is an understatement to say the elast. Now, that I have given the moral lesson for today on gaining wisdom and faith I guess I should continue to give me blog update.

Cassi got her report card. She made some improvements and some things came down, but not too bad. Robbie is looking for work, as I am looking to go back to work full time until we can get worked out again. Robbie is worried that my health will decline again, but I told him I have to do what I have to do. I think the problem in the past has been that is has been physically exausting and too harsh on my body. I am looking for something a little more calm this go round. Robbie and I have been playing family games each night to relax. We are addicted. I slaughtered him yesterday in Monopoly and then again last night in Phase 10. He was not a happy camper and we ended up ending the game early. I told him he was a sore loser and he agreed. LOL It was funny seeing him act like that, because it is totally not like him. I guess that is why he loves his X-Box so much. He doesn't have to play with anyone but the computer. lol

I am shooting a pageant next week at Handley. THat makes me very nervous because that is my Alma Mater. Talk about being put under pressure.I am sure it will be fun and a learning experience. hopefully it will get me some senior jobs. If I could get more business then I wouldn't have to go back to work. I just balanced my checkbook and somewhere there is 4.66 missing and it is driving me crazy. I don't know where it went, so I just entered it and figured it would even things out. I am not in the mood to do it now. It is too depressing. My brother's birthday is Saturday. Tomorrow I am being treated to lunch by friends. I guess they pity my life drama. lol It always is good to have people cheer you up, especially friends like mine. It is a shame when some of the people you need most aren't there for you. Some people can be very selfish and self centered at times... no matter the expense to others. I guess we all can be though. That's just part of life.

On a happy note... I have THE BEST Aunt Nancy ever. She was awesome when Robbie was in the hosptial. I had a home cooked meal every night (even when it was horribly late) and a nice cozy bed waiting for me. Then in the morning, I had wonderful fellowship with her and a yummy breakfast of homemade oatmeal with all sorts of healthy goodies. Just the way I like it. I always have loved to stay there and this was the first time in my "grown up years" that I have been able to do so. I have always strived to be just like her and want my nieces to feel the same way about me and my house. She is the best! I think she could be a Stepford wife. LOL I have been craving some more of that oatmeal, but I doubt mine will be made homemade. I will probably just add the healthy goodies to the not so healthy instant pack variety. lol

Courtney is on the task of setting Mama up with someone. She is trying to recruit people for the cause. She is hilarious about the whole deal. She knows exactly what she wants her grandpa to have. This girl means business. I haven't been able to see or talk to Brook and Bree for a few weeks, but I imagine they are just as cute as ever. Courtney is local and calls daily to check on Mama so I get filled in that way. I have learned that if I want business taken care of to get Courtney on the task. Her next assignment is to get Mama to go to the dr about her arm. The grandpa idea was all her own.

Daddy is trying to keep Casey and Michael from killing each other. Chris went back to Mobile. We miss him soooo much. I wish he and Justin both would move up here. Justin is currently on my list- he hasn't replied to my myspace messages. lol I should know that a big sister is not top priority to a 19 year old boy with cute girls on his friend list. I am sure that would cramp his style.

The whole family is addicted to Mama's Wheel of Fortune game that we got her for Chrsitmas and Courtney loved it so much that she bought one for herself. Brook, Courtney and Bree are all wonderful at this game. They are so smart. It is amazing at how intelligent they are to be their ages. It is a blessing to say the least.

Yesterday was my Garden Club meeting.It was very enjoyable. Our topic was The Healthy Gardener. We learned some stretches that you could do before working in the yard. The stretches felt really good and was actually very relaxing. We all looked silly stretching in nice clothes and heels, but it just added to the fun.

I guess I need to be going now. I don't want to wear out my welcome. ;) I was waiting for Mama to get home from work, but it looks like that won't be happening anytime soon, so I will head home. I have to go get my meds from Wal-Mart before they close and make it back in time for Grey's Anatomy.
I will try and post some photos soon.
Talk to you guys later- Ciao!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

It has been a LONNNNG time since I last posted. Life has been happeneing. ;) Robert was in the hospital, but he is a lot better. He had viral meningitis. Still not perfect, but way better than he has been lately. He planss to go back to work next week. 4 weeks is too long without a pay check, but there was no way that he could have worked. He goes to get a release from the dr today I think.
Today is a wonderfully rainy day with thunder so loud is shakes the whole house. Very cool! It does seem to have calmed down a lot though.
I have a gripe today, actually I have several, but I will keep those to myself. The one I must vent about is UPS. In October I had received some lights, backdrop stands and other items for my photography business. This was stuff that I needed very bad. WHen I received the items, some of the bulbs were broken. The bulbs are very expensive, so I filed a claim with UPS. FIne, they sent money for the bulbs to be replace, but have not yet sent the package. Everyday we have been on the phone with people all over the US and finally yesterday we got an actual answer. UPS destroyed the package as it was not repairable. Ummmm, yes it was!!!! I am so livid. I had already paid for these things and now they won't ay for them because they were only insured to cover the repairs and that won't cover everything. I have a big job coming up that I needed those for and now I can't do it. I cannot believe this. BTW, if anyone from UPS ever tells you they will call you back- they are LYING!!!! Vent over...
Ok, trying to remain calm, so I guess I will be getting off of here for now. Hopefully it won't be so long between posts next time.