Welcome to my blog...

Prepare yourself for the roller coaster ride of emotions... Be forewarned, this site is my vent site... I cannot be held responsible for what may be said on this blog. Often it's just little tidbits of useless information, but occassionally a wobbler post slips in and all my feelings are revealed. Sometimes they are sweet, sad or cheerful.... but oh when they aren't... well just let me go ahead and apologize now. lol What did you expect?

Monday, November 27, 2006

3rd times a charm

It has been said that all things come in 3's... It has been several weeks since I have blogged. Life is great... busy, but great. Lately my life has been consumed with kitchen remodeling. It all started with the new fridge. We needed more clearance, so we trimmed the counter, great it fit. It did not have enough "breathing room" though, so we were going to trim the cabinet. No biggy there. We decided to go ahead with the partial closing of the large opening overlooking the dining room since we had the power tools readily in use. So off I go to buy the material for that project. On one of those trips I saw a pantry cabinet a little less wider than the current cabinet, with much more room. I bought it. Then I had to get something to hang our microwave with. Check.... all that led to new floor, new cabinet color and new wall color. The reason I said things come in three's is because I made 3 trips for screws, 3 trips for studs,3 trips for brackets, 3 trips for flooring, 3 trips for cabinet hinges and 3 trips for curtains. Obviously 3rd time's a charm because thankfully everything worked.... well the flooring isn't in yet, but I am sure it will be fine. I love it. I couldn't wait to get the curtains hung, and accessorize my tiny space. I wanted to wait until the floor was in, but I could not stand it any longer. So last night I tried the last 2 sets of curtains. Thankfully the 3rd set worked perfectly. It was as if it had just appeared on my thrid trip because I had obviously not paid attention to them on all the other trips. I will post a finished picture when it is totally complete. Everyone loves it so far, except mama and daddy. lol Daddy says it's too dark, but he is color blind so it just looks grey to him and mama said it looked good, but she didn't love the colors. That's ok though, I like it! It looks like a totally different kitchen. It isn't but it is just amazing the transformation it has made. I took some pictures last night, but had to force myself to delete them becasue I was so tempted to email them to everyone. I realize that a lot of people think I am a freak b/c I thrive on projects like this. If you know me, you know that I can't do anything small or halfway. Needless to say my little project has leaked into the hallway and the dining room. lol Right now there are paint sample stuck on the wall. We like them all, but it changes throughout the day. Our kitchen is tiny, so I figured that walling it up and painting it dark would make it appear smaller, but so far so good. I have to concentrate on the guest bath as that has been a project goal for over a year now. We have nice slate sitting in our dining room just waiting to be put down in there. The hold up- the sink faucet and deciding if we just want a shower or if we want a combo. Oh and the money is also a slight detail that is missing. ;)

I couldn't shop this Friday for gifts without loooking for curtains and wall art for the kitchen. I was very surprised as I did not buy anything from Home Depot or Lowe's on Black Friday. My friend Jenn says that I have to go to those places to regroup and have my therapy. I drug my poor little sister all over those stores last week. To which she replied- we are so different. lol I remember when I was her age and younger, I hated, no let me restate that, I HATED Lowe's. (there were no HD's around then) It seemed like my dad would be in there for hours and it was BORING!!! Now, I am loving it and can't wait until LaGrange gets their Lowe's back again. It will be 2008, but it is still fun to look forward to. I have banana nut bread in the oven right now, so I should probably go and check it. I just wanted to take a moment to say hi. I will check back in more often now that life isn't consuming me. Ciao!

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