Welcome to my blog...

Prepare yourself for the roller coaster ride of emotions... Be forewarned, this site is my vent site... I cannot be held responsible for what may be said on this blog. Often it's just little tidbits of useless information, but occassionally a wobbler post slips in and all my feelings are revealed. Sometimes they are sweet, sad or cheerful.... but oh when they aren't... well just let me go ahead and apologize now. lol What did you expect?

Monday, January 15, 2007

A house full of girls.

I have a house full of girls. 5 to be exact. Courtney was with us, but she is sickly and we hope she feels better soon. We have had fun I guess. Played wth dogs and games and pool. We even took some pictures. I have a shoot enxt week for a pageant, so we had to practice. HEre is a sample

I have a bulging disc, so actually I have done a lot of lying around the past few days, per Dr. Steele's orders of course. Robbie has made breakfast for everyone. He is still out of work, but is looking. As soon as my back is better, I will get back on the looking trail. Well I guess I better go for now, the girls are eating and I hear the salt chat starting. I will be back later. Bye for now.

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